De Stadscollectie Antwerpen is a lively tribute to the artists who give colour to the city of Antwerp. From emerging talent to established names, this collection highlights local creativity but also the global influence of Antwerp’s art scene. Welcome!

Stephen Willats

(c)Stephen Willats
Sorting out Other People's Lives , 1978
Mixed Media , 4 x (03 x 76 cm )
photographic prints, ink, letraset, ink on card, gouache

Sorting Out Other People’s Lives (1978) portrays Kit Stone, an inhabitant of the Ocean Estate in East London, through images of her family life – defined through environment, education, economic and social situation – juxtaposed with others of her engagement in four voluntary organisations. The four panels set up a contrast between the inner reality of home and the wider reality of active community service – each with their own pressures.