De Stadscollectie Antwerpen is a lively tribute to the artists who give colour to the city of Antwerp. From emerging talent to established names, this collection highlights local creativity but also the global influence of Antwerp’s art scene. Welcome!


(c)image: Claudy Kremer, Courtesy The Deweer Collection - Otegem
Helikopter, 1973-1986
Object , 100 x 900 x 500 cm
plastic, metal, wood, felt, paint; along with a display case with various objects

'Cayley also made helicopter-like things, although they look more like toys.  For instance, feathers with their quills in a stopper.  When wound up under tension it would fly a good ways, and then when the feathers opened it would drift calmly to the ground.' - Panamarenko

Panamarenko wrote an illustrated text in the early 1970s on the helicopter’s potential to conquer the air. He did not create this version, however, until 1986. He previously built a number of variations which – although they used lifting force and rotor blades (his Portable Air Transport, for instance, and the flying bicycle Das Flugzeug) – were not constructed according to the standard helicopter model with a cabin and tail rotor. He used a pedal-drive for the construction of this 1986 helicopter and unusually long blades to increase the carrying capacity.