De Stadscollectie Antwerpen is a lively tribute to the artists who give colour to the city of Antwerp. From emerging talent to established names, this collection highlights local creativity but also the global influence of Antwerp’s art scene. Welcome!


(c)photo: R. Van Den Bremt, Courtesy Anny De Decker, Antwerp
Zwitserse fiets [Swiss Bicycle], 1967
Object , 61.5 x 60 x 66 cm
tin, cardboard, linen

In the second half of the 1960s, Panamarenko built a series of poetic objects, often inspired by memories of his youth. Because the emphasis in these works is on their formal qualities and not yet on function or technology, they are referred to as ‘silent objects’. In 1965 Panamarenko comes across, in an American scientific magazine, the picture of a mountain bike with a strikingly small front wheel. After a sojourn to Switzerland, the artist decides to imitate the bicycle as object. In Zwitserse fiets the fascination for technology comes to the fore.