De Stadscollectie Antwerpen is a lively tribute to the artists who give colour to the city of Antwerp. From emerging talent to established names, this collection highlights local creativity but also the global influence of Antwerp’s art scene. Welcome!


Prova Car, 1967
Object , 95 x 200 x 290 cm
tin, cellophane

Prova-Car is a sort of human, poetic version of the Formula-1 racing car. It conjures up images of old, once revolutionary technological prototypes. With works like this Prova-Car, Panamarenko refers to the image of the engineer-artist. At the same time, he relativises the image. Of course, Panamarenko’s ‘inventions’ are not intended to actually work: they are artworks first and foremost. In Panamarenko’s work, technique is a slave to poetry.

"Nuvolari was the best racecar driver in the world before the war.  He just floored it, never braked.  I remember how he wore a kind of pilot's headgear seated in his big 'prova', his test car.  (...)  After WWII the Formula 1 cars got too fast, and then he indeed had to brake."  - Panamarenko