De Stadscollectie Antwerpen is a lively tribute to the artists who give colour to the city of Antwerp. From emerging talent to established names, this collection highlights local creativity but also the global influence of Antwerp’s art scene. Welcome!

Marthe Wéry

(c)image: Phiippe De Gobert, Brussels
Untitled, 1989
Mixed Media , 153 x 386 cm
acrylic, canvas, MDF

This series of three paintings by Marthe Wéry form a single entity with the wall. Marthe Wéry plays with the boundary of the painting: where does the work begin and end? She examines the relationship between the frame and the picture plane and their mutual interchangeability. In this way the painting also becomes an installation, and is inseparable from the space between and around it. A painting becomes an object and enters into dialogue with the space where it is exhibited. Marthe Wéry sees each work as another step in her continuing study of painting. Originally, in her monochrome works, she concentrated mainly on investigating the basic components of painting: support, format, colour and brushwork. She asks the question ‘what makes something a painting?’ She later shifted her attention to the relationship between her work and the surroundings. Click [here] to read the full text.