La collection de la Ville d’Anvers est une initiative dynamique qui vise à faire prendre conscience de la diversité de la scène artistique contemporaine de la cité portuaire. Reflétant l’esprit de la ville en mouvement, elle présente des œuvres d’artistes locaux et internationaux, aussi bien des talents émergents que des valeurs établies. Bienvenue!

Els Dietvorst

Skull 3, 2015
wood, loam

The third Skull (2015) was made during the ten days of the Moscow Biennal of Contemporary Art and was a metaphor for immigration, respect and human transcendence.

Sculpture is beside drawing, writing and video an important medium in my artpratice. I started the Skull-series out of disbelieve and anger on the black pages of human history. The Skull-sculptures became a metaphor for useless violence and a symbol for human respect, gathering and transcendance. 

The form of every skull is based on the Skull of a Neanderthaler. The Neanderthaler is often pictured in history as a brute but was peacefull and shared peacefull rituals.They vanished when modern humans arrived in Europe. The teeth in all of the Skull-series are human beings refering to 'us' the people. Mostly I use natural materials as wood, loam and clay to give the sculptures a fragile skin. The Skull sculptures also serve as a refuge, you can hide, shelter, meet in it. I see the Skull series as a strong symbol that links us and that belongs to us all, humans. I see it also as a fragile and at the same time strong metaphor against violence.